Shield your company to avoid data breaches
Password protection is undeniably one of the most reliable defense shields you can place against hackers or data breaches.
Deciding to work with a password manager can be a game-changer for the safety of your company's data.
Build your internal culture around security
The occasional slip-ups and security unawareness can cost you much more than hackers can. It is significant to train your team and workforce to don't become prey to all these scams around.
Increase team collaboration without compromising security
Collaboration is the most important function of any workplace. But without the proper security measures the danger of data getting breached loams over the company. Use slashpass to effortlessly keep your data safe.
Key Features
No Need to Run Additional Software
You can easily integrate our password manager with Slack, to give your company an effortless top-security function at the very core.
Easy and Automatic Role Management
You won't have to waste time setting up permissions. Slashpass will grant access automatically to the team members by using the scope of the Slack channels.
Open Source Principle
Whatever we work it's with complete transparency. Our security follows the standards of the top security level and our source code is a completely transparent public and auditable.
Enterprise-Level Security
We provide you with the ultimate top-level security. We use Zero-knowledge protocol based on RSA security standard. With these security standards, your data is always safely stored on dedicated private servers.
Slack Command Ussage
/pass or /pass list
List the available passwords in the channel.
/pass <secret> or/pass show <secret>
Show the one time use link with the secret content, this link expires in 15 minutes.
/pass insert <secret>
Show the link with the editor to create the new secret, this link expires in 15 minutes.
/pass remove <secret>
Delete the secret from the channel.
/pass configure or/pass configure <dedicated_server_url>
Configure the password server, it is only necessary to execute it once.
/pass help
Show this dialog in the channel.
Go to our github projectfor instructions on how to set up your own password server, also you can try the command on your Slack team using our test server