Setting Up Slashpass in Slack with a Private Server

Step 1: Install the /pass Command

  1. Go to
  2. Click the "Add to Slack" button to install the Slashpass command.
  3. Select the Slack workspace where you want to integrate Slashpass.
  4. Click the "Allow" button to grant necessary permissions.

Step 2: Verify the Command Installation

Open your Slack app and type:


If you receive a response, the installation was successful.

Step 3: Configure Your Private Server

Set up a private server by following the instructions on the Slashpass Private Server GitHub Repository.

Step 4: Connect Slack to Your Private Server

Once you have your server URL, link it by typing the following command in Slack:

/pass configure <your_private_server_url>

Replace <your_private_server_url> with the actual URL of your private server.

Step 5: Start Managing Secrets

You can now securely store and retrieve secrets using Slashpass:

  • Create a Secret:
  • /pass insert <secret_name>
  • Retrieve a Secret:
  • /pass <secret_name>

This generates a one-time-use link via the OneTimeSecret service for secure sharing.

You're all set to securely manage passwords in Slack with Slashpass!

Secure your secrets. Simplify your workflow.
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